Install Freedom on all of your devices, and block distracting websites, apps, or the entire internet. Depending on the protocol, your connection can be stuck in the slow lane. We appreciate if you send us crash reports when asked by your phone. Download Freedom for Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, Chrome, or Linux. A VPN protocol defines how your communication with the VPN server is authenticated, encrypted, and how traffic is captured. Visit our webpage for in-depth information about our service. We have 39 tunnel servers in 10 countries. If you need more, you can always upgrade later - once you know that it solves your problem and you need more than FreeFreedom provides. Your Freedom Project or YFP for short, is a 360-degree ecosystem of tools and training designed to help you: Find new builders. There is a free service (called "FreeFreedom") available permanently to everyone who only needs occasional access and low bandwidth.

It defeats censorship, it encrypts all your traffic, it hides your origin and identity, and it just makes things work that don't work without it.

Accédez à du matériel censuré, sautez les restrictions et les pare-feu et restez anonyme sur Internet, en cachant votre adresse IP, avec Your Freedom. Our Your Freedom service does all this for you, and more. 8/10 (35 votes) - Télécharger Your Freedom Gratuitement. Is your Internet access being censored? Are some things on the Internet simply not accessible to you? Do you need protection from eavesdroppers or access without a login on an unencrypted wireless hotspot network or any other web-login based Internet access? Would you like to appear to be a user from a different country to avoid inconvenient content restrictions? Or would you prefer if your IP was not logged by every website you visit and everything you do logged by the NSA? Then look no further, you've found the solution! The all-in-one VPN tunneling, firewall & proxy bypassing, anonymization and anti-censorship solution